IWCB Charity Christmas Bazaar Unites Expats and Diplomatic Community to Support Slovakia's Charitable Causes
The International Women's Club of Bratislava (IWCB) is thrilled to announce the 30th Charity Christmas Bazaar. This eagerly anticipated occasion is set to bring together the diverse expat and diplomatic communities residing in Slovakia for a day of festive cheer and goodwill.
“The IWCB Charity Christmas Bazaar has a rich tradition of making a significant impact on charitable initiatives throughout Slovakia. Funds raised during the event are channelled towards a wide range of organizations and causes, such as healthcare, education, and social support. This year promises to continue this noble tradition, with an even greater emphasis on making a meaningful difference in the lives of those in need”, says Ms Viera Buchtova, IWCB’s President
More information coming soon…
The IWCB Charity Christmas Bazaar, our main fundraiser, has become the largest and most visible event of the expat and diplomatic community in Slovakia. 2019’s event was recording breaking in many ways. Higher than ever visitor numbers, an amazing grand total raised, 39 countries and foreign regions, 1 associated club, 8 international schools, 5 charities supporting the event and the introduction of a new waste separation initiative.
12 Dec 2019 - Members of the IWCB Bazaar Committee attended the Goodwill Envoy Awards Ceremony, hosted by the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs. It was an absolutely fantastic evening honouring Slovak culture, international cooperation and goodwill. This is where we had the privilege to unveil the official total from the 2019 Charity Christmas Bazaar!
About the charity christmas bazaar
The Charity Christmas Bazaar provides a unique opportunity for countries to introduce themselves to the local community through vibrant and informative tables. The event comes alive with colourful national costumes, a vast array of international products, delicious flavours and enticing scents, and a spectacular display of flags. For companies, schools and non-profit organisations it is an excellent means of promoting their goods and/or services, as the Bazaar is a well-known and highly publicised event covered by mainstream media.
The purpose of the Bazaar:
(1) to raise money to provide financial assistance to selected, registered charity organisations in Slovakia; and
(2) to promote a greater appreciation for different cultures.
Who is involved?
Embassies, representatives of foreign countries in Slovakia, and other partners are invited to set up tables to sell a selection of national products (e.g. food & beverages, souvenirs, books, etc.). They find sponsors, produce, and/or receive donations for merchandise to be sold at their table. The proceeds are then given to the IWCB for the administration of funds.
The IWCB is responsible for the planning, organisation and execution of the event before and on the day of the event. This includes preparation of the venue, logistics, decorations, insurance, ticket sales, etc. All volunteers involved in the Bazaar work for free, without any financial compensation.
previous years
Results of the Christmas Bazaar 2018, 92.000,00€
Click here to experience: Live at the 2018 Bazaar!
Results of the Christmas Bazaar 2017
Results of the Christmas Bazaar 2016
Results of the Christmas Bazaar 2015
Resuts of the Christmas Bazaar 2013
Results of the Christmas Bazaar 2012