Charity Flash Mob Dance
THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO supported us in reaching our goal!
Due to the wonderful generosity of participants and the public during the event plus everyone how has donated since, we have been able to raise our target of 8 124 EUR!
What are we raising money for?
Centrum pre deti a rodiny Bratislava, Röntgenova - Center for children and families Bratislava, Röntgenova - is the only facility in the Bratislava region that admits children with severe health disabilities, chronic diseases and children in palliative care requiring constant nursing care. This Center is commonly known as Studienka.
The aim of this campaign is to raise 8 124 Euros to enable Studienka to purchase a special electric hydraulic platform that will be installed in their van. The lift will significantly improve the safety and comfort of transporting children with severe disability.
There will also be special performances by our friends Superar Slovakia and The Wave by RDS Art Group.
Presented by
With special thanks to our partners and sponsors
Program Superar založili v roku 2009 tri etablované a rešpektované inštitúcie v Rakúsku – Caritas, Wiener Konzerthaus a Viedenský chlapčenský spevácky zbor. Intenzívne dlhodobé umelecké vzdelávanie vysokej kvality videli ako ideálny nástroj na prepojenie a spoluprácu detí zo všetkých sociálnych, etnických, náboženských či vzdelanostných skupín. Jedinečnosť programu tkvie v jeho kombinácii sociálne orientovaných cieľov, vlastnej vzdelávacej metodike, umeleckej kvalite a intenzívnom dlhodobom bezplatnom vzdelávaní, z ktorého doposiaľ benefitovalo viac ako 3000 detí v šiestich krajinách Európy (Bosna a Hercegovina, Lichtenštajnsko, Rumunsko, Slovensko a Švajčiarsko).
Detská súťažná tanečná skupina, ktorá vznikla v roku 2017 a od tohto momentu sa neustále zväčšuje, tak ako počtom svojich členov, tak aj rozsahom tanečného štýlovo-žánrového portfólia. Pôvodne niesla tanečná skupina názov Lollipops by RDS. Tento rok v septembri však prešla komplexným rebrandingom značky a momentálne medzi naše “Vlny” - čiže The Waves, patrí takmer 100 detí - tanečníkov v troch hlavných súťažných tanečných kategóriách - MINI, detská veková kategória a juniorská veková kategória. Od tohto septembra už aj hlavná veková kategória. Pod vedením špičkových tanenčných lektoriek a pod profesionálnym pedagogickým dohľadom sa deti tanečne vzdelávajú v celej škále moderných tanečných techník, jazze, showdance, klasický tanec a contemporary dance. Pravidelne sa zúčastňujú domácich i svetových medzinárodných tanečných súťaží. Tu obsadzujú popredné umiestnenia, vďaka ktorým sa za krátky čas skupina etablovala na úroveň konkurencie schopnej kvality v domácom i medzinárodnom meradle.
The +421 Foundation is a non-profit organization established in 2005 with offices in New York / USA and Bratislava / Slovakia.
It pursues a mission of enhancing mutual understanding; relations between Slovak people and the world by showcasing the cultural richness of Slovakia to diverse audiences, and by creating opportunities for mutually beneficial interaction in the cultural sphere and beyond. The name of the organization derives from the international telephone calling code for Slovakia, which is +421. The organization hopes to generate visibility for Slovak arts, culture, and various charitable causes through art exhibitions, performances, educational workshops, and cultural events around the world.
fjúž is a portal of the Milan Šimečka Foundation about new minorities, foreigners and other minority groups that make up a diverse society.
We publish various stories about people who have their roots abroad, but Slovakia is already their home. We want to present voices in a society that is hard to hear, but are an integral part of our society. In the predominantly negative atmosphere that the word migration creates around us, we will bring a deeper insight into this complex topic.
Kaufland is an international company with a long history operating in 8 countries in Europe. Kaufland opened its first store in Slovakia on November 25, 2000 in Poprad, and during its 20-year presence on the market, it expanded its network to 70 stores.
Social responsibility and the promotion of sustainability are an important part of Kaufland's philosophy. Under the motto "Decisive actions", the chain is involved in various areas. It introduces measures to reduce the consumption of plastics, saves natural resources, expands its range of responsible products, supports domestic suppliers and non-profit organizations for a long time, and motivates the general public to do good deeds with its actions.
The British International School Bratislava (BISB) is a nonselective, independent, co-educational day school which has been operating in Slovakia for 25 years. It provides a British style education to more than 700 students from over 40 countries. It is a friendly and welcoming school that inspires high educational achievement in all its students and provides a supportive learning environment in which students can discover a world of opportunity.
Each year, BISB students support hundreds of local causes through activities with UNICEF and on the United Nation's 17 Sustainable Development Goals. BISB students and staff have supported the IWCB’s fundraising for many years.