Gifts for children on International Children’s Day

Cathy Lienard (President Bratislava Accueil), Mrs. Povodova (Director of Duha) and Jana Sheppard (IWCB President) exchanging gifts

Cathy Lienard (President Bratislava Accueil), Mrs. Povodova (Director of Duha) and Jana Sheppard (IWCB President) exchanging gifts

1 JUNE 2021
This year, in celebration of international children’s day on june 1 the iwcb decided to support Duha - Centrum pre rodiny s deťmi (former name was Detský domov - orphanage) by giving the children in the centre gifts on this special day.…

Here's a short insight into the history of Medzinárodný deň detí/ International Children's Day. In 1925 International Children´s Day was first proclaimed in Geneva during the World Conference on Child Welfare. Since 1950 it has been celebrated on 1 June in Communist and post- Communist countries such as Slovakia. This day belongs to the list of important dates that Slovak parents never forget: birthday, names day, Mikulas and Christmas.

During this day Slovak parents attack toy stores :-), take their kids to their favourite restaurant, let them eat lots of sweets, invite their friends over, organise special games, let kids go to bed late... It is very special and will remain so as it´s been part of our history and fond childhood memories for so long.

Children from Duha were asked by their director to write a wish and the list was then shared with us. There was a girl asking for messenger bag, teenage boy asking for black denim jacket, boy asking for badminton, another for football, girls wishing to get a Barbie doll (may be their first one), fantasy book, paw patrol toy, MP4 player were wished for by teenagers... This campaign of ours made this day very very special for them.

Thanks go to our generous members, our friends from Bratislava Accueil and for QSI who bought presents for Centrum pre rodiny s detmi on Ucitelska street.

On 2nd of June we had a heart-warming phone call from director of Duha who was very touched and said that we should send a huge "thank you" to all ladies from our club and French club as we made their children endlessly happy yesterday. They were literally jumping for joy and screaming loudly from surprise that their wishes came true...


This event is just one of many fundraising activities we are organising as part of the Club’s 30th Anniversary which is taking place during 2021. You can find out more via our social channels.