Dance to help children in need
Centrum pre deti a rodiny Bratislava, Röntgenova (also known as Studienka) is in need of an electric hydraulic platform. The device, which can be installed into their existing van, would drastically improve the safety and comfort of disabled and ill children when they are transported to essential medical care. This organisation, previously an orphanage, is now the only facility within the Bratislava region to admit children with severe health disabilities, those with chronic illnesses, and children in palliative care requiring constant nursing care.
For the last thirty years, the committed volunteers of the International Women’s Club of Bratislava (IWCB) have positively changed the lives of many through their ongoing involvement in valuable charitable projects.
The IWCB believe that this project is worthy of society’s full attention. We want to give it a bigger, stronger voice and raise awareness of their urgent need. We believe that others will share this opinion and support the goal to fundraise enough money for Centrum pre deti a rodiny Bratislava (Studienka) to purchase and install the platform.
They need 8,124 Euros. That’s roughly the cost of 3000 cappuccinos (depending on where you like getting your caffeine fix).
So to put the spotlight on Centrum pre deti a rodiny Bratislava, Röntgenova we are planning a Charity Flash Mob Dance in association with Bratislava Cultural and Informative Centre (BKIS) in Hviezdoslavovo námestie, Bratislava at 17:00 on Thursday 23 September. The goal of the event is to raise and donate the necessary money to help better support their children.
Superar Slovakia will be giving a special performance
The Wave by RDS Art Group will be performing “Beads”
As well as the dancing spectacle there will be a special performance by the fantastic children’s choir Superar Slovakia and a creative dance performance by The Wave by RDS Art Group.
We need your help.
- Show your support and come and dance with us!
- Spread the word by sharing our dance video on your social media channels with the hashtag #BratislavaFlashMob
- Donate money yourself and encourage your employer, friends and colleagues to do the same.
Remember, only 3000 of us need to give up one coffee to make this happen.